Teens Lead at Work, is NYCOSH’s summer training component of the Young Worker Program. This summer, teens will conduct training for peers on health and safety, and profile young workers.
Learn About NYCOSH’s Teens Lead at Work program from youth trainers (from l to r): Sharone Holloman, Teen Trainer; Vaughnessa Alexander, Teen Leader; Charis Cruz, video director/editor and Teen Trainer.
A major objective, is for Peer Leaders to train young people to also train others about their workplace rights, safety and health. Our program also provides training to teachers, parents and employers on how to protect the safety and health of young workers.
For more information, contact us at nycosh@nycosh.org.
Fact Sheets
- Know Your Rights: Laws that Protect Young Workers
- Hazards for Young Workers
- Stand Up For Your Rights
- Repetitive Strain Injuries for Young Workers
- Chemicals on the Job
- Violence Against Young Workers
- Talking Safety Curriculum for young workers online here
NYCOSH 2019 YouthSafe Contest
NYCOSH runs annual competitions encouraging high school students to design posters and video public service announcements that teach others about youth workplace safety. This year the contest involves 3 categories: 1)Video PSA 2)Poster 3) Social Media Image. Details on how to apply for the 2019 contest will be posted in the Fall of 2018. Stay tuned!
2018 Winners
2018 VIDEO CONTEST Winners
Winning Teacher: Gerry Sheedy, Arlington High School, LaGrangeville, NY
First Prize: Vicki Gajdzk, Arlington High School, LaGrangeville, NY
“Don’t Be Part of That Statistic” by Vicki Gajdzk from NYCOSH on Vimeo.
Second Prize: Maeve St. Onge, Arlington High School, LaGrangeville, NY
“The Close Call” by Maeve St. Onge from NYCOSH on Vimeo.
Third Prize: Dietrich Beck, Arlington High School, LaGrangeville, NY
“Youth Safety Rights, 50s Style” by Dietrich Beck from NYCOSH on Vimeo.
2018 Winners
Winning Teacher: Bonnie Moncada and Angela Soccodato, Saunders Trade and Technical High School, Yonkers, NY
First Prize: Kathleen Santiago, Saunders Trade and Technical High School, Yonkers, NY
Winning Teacher: Cortney Weisman, Ward Melville High School, Setauket, NY
Winning Teacher: Cortney Weisman, Ward Melville High School, Setauket, NY
Second Prize: Michael Scarth, Ward Melville High School, Setauket, NY
Winning Teacher: Cortney Weisman, Ward Melville High School, Setauket, NY
Winning Teacher: Cortney Weisman, Ward Melville High School, Setauket, NY
Third Prize: Allison Pollina, Ward Melville High School, Setauket, NY
2017 Winners
2017 Winners
Winning Teacher: Doris Bove-Aresta, Joseph M. Barry Career & Technical Education Center, Westbury, NY

Eli Monjaras, Joseph M. Barry Career & Technical Education Center, Westbury, NY

Maya Farrally, Joseph M. Barry Career & Technical Education Center, Westbury, NY

2017 VIDEO CONTEST Winners
Winning Teacher: Gerry Sheedy, Arlington High School, LaGrangeville, NY
First Prize: Erin Traut and Rachel Priebe, Arlington High School, LaGrangeville, NY
“The Angel of NYCOSH” by Erin Traut and Rachel Priebe from NYCOSH on Vimeo.
Second Prize: Kevin Desnoyers, Arlington High School, LaGrangeville, NY
“Love Story” by Kevin Desnoyers from NYCOSH on Vimeo.
Third Prize: Caroline McDonald, Arlington High School, LaGrangeville, NY
“Reflection” by Caroline McDonald from NYCOSH on Vimeo.